
James 1:26-27 Religious

James 1:26-27

"If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

I don't really like religion, at least not as it has been associated to Christianity. Rarely does religion reflect the true nature of God and His son Jesus Christ. Religion says don't eat, don't touch, don't do. Religion has much to say about anything, and anyone. It seems some religious expert can be called on to comment on any news topic of note, usually to the offense of the world around them. I find it amazing that so much of what Jesus said was offensive only to the "religious" people of his day. I also find it amazing that Jesus is rarely concerned with what we shouldn't eat, touch or do. He is more concerned with why we do the things we do. If our religion is pure and undefiled it will be marked by two things: helping those in distress and keeping ourselves clean from the sin around us. Even unbelievers recognize this.

Unfortunately many people have this backwards. They think they are religious because they do good things. There are many religious and political groups out there that are putting the mainline Christians to shame with there help of the needy. That is something we as individual Christians need to work on. Our faith should cause action.

Jesse Ventura (Governor, wrestler, and Navy Seal) said once that religion is a crutch. The truth is that it should be. Not for the weak minded as he claimed, but for the weak people in this world. Orphans, widows, and others who are struggling in this life should be lifted up and helped along by those religious people who can help.


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