
James 1:5-8 Wisdom

James 1:5-8

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

If any of you lacks wisdom...

Hey, I have a list of people. Just send me 20 bucks and I will add your name. Ok, so I am a wise guy, but I don't think that is what this passage is talking about. This passage is talking about real wisdom - discerning right and wrong, truth from lies, judging peoples hearts and intentions.

Perhaps no better example of this is King Solomon. When God asked what he wanted Solomon's answer was "give Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people to discern between good and evil" (1Kings 3:9). God answered and said, "I have done according to your words. Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart" (1Kings 3:11). That is where I find my definition of wisdom - an understanding heart to judge and the ability to discern between good and evil.

The best part of this passage is how easy it is to get wisdom. Just ask God. No studying, lectures, experience, age requirement or qualifying test. Okay, maybe there is one qualifying test - when you ask you must believe. This seems so obvious to me, but it has to be said. I know because I see people do this all the time. I get prayer requests on a regular basis from people who "don't believe in God." Seems like a waste of time to pray to a God who doesn't exist. I would never go to a McDonalds and ask for “potato oles” because I know they don't serve them there. Maybe that is why James describes people who ask with out faith as double minded, unstable in all his ways. They have the constant back and forth argument in there minds - is God real? "Of course he/she is, maybe, possibly, but probably not" So they ask not so much because they want the thing they ask for, but as a test. If God is real a medium “potato oles” is magically going to appear at this McDonalds.

These people are unstable because they don't have a rock solid foundation to stand one. As believers we have "the Rock" solid foundation to stand on. No reason to doubt, only ask and receive. So, what are you waiting for, go on ask Him. God is generous and he will give you what you ask for - if you ask in faith.


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